The study of blood serum and diseases especially in infectious illnesses like malaria, hepatitis B, and AIDS is called serology. A serological centrifuge is considered a staple in most clinical laboratories to help with the diagnosis. A serological centrifuge works by separating blood cells from the rest of the test samples.

How to Use a Serological Centrifuge

To start a diagnostic task, whole blood is placed into the serological centrifuge. The machine’s rotor will spin the sample. When the sample spins, a centrifugal force that’s proportional to the rate of the spin is created, that pushes the cells outward. Small benchtop centrifuges would suffice if the clinical work won’t need extremely high forces. 

Prior to using the centrifuge, it is ideal that all the safety procedures are followed. For example, you need to make sure the device is secure and stable. It is also crucial that the sample tube is placed inside the rotor securely.

Serological Test Purposes

A serological test is also known as antibody or serology test. The procedure is designed to detect antibodies or antibody-like substances. There are different types of serological tests including enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), flocculation tests, and neutralization tests.

Serological tests have something in common–they focus on immune system created proteins. This crucial body system works by destroying foreign invaders that can make people sick or ill. A good understanding of how the immune system operates is crucial to appreciating the importance of serological tests.

Antigens are the substances that will trigger an immune system response. Antigens are so small that they can’t be seen with the naked eye. Some of the most common antigens that can affect people include:

  • Viruses
  • Bacteria
  • Parasites
  • Fungi

The immune system produces antibodies to defend against antigens. Antibodies work by attaching themselves to the antigens and deactivating them. When the blood is tested, the type of antibodies and antigens can be determined and the type of infection is also identified. Serological testing is also done to diagnose other conditions including:

  • Syphilis
  • Fungal Infections
  • Measles
  • HIV
  • Brucellosis
  • Rubella